Mokuhanga Printmaking (February 8, 2025)
Mokuhanga Printmaking (February 8, 2025)
Dan Noyes
February 8, 2025
10 am - 5 pm, with a lunch break
Out of stock
This class will be given by the long time Mokuhanga practitioner, Dan Noyes. It is a comprehensive introduction to Japanese Mokuhanga printing, which involves a combination of relief, stencil, and wood grain printing. The paper used is washi and rice paper -- thin Asian paper known for its unique texture. Images are transferred from the carved block to both sides of washi paper using a hand-held tool called a baren.
Japanese Mokuhanga printing is one of the oldest types of printmaking. The earliest types of prints in China using this method were Buddhist prints; Mokuhanga printing was used to substitute laborious copying of texts and images.
All materials will be supplied.
Class date: Saturday, February 8, 2025
Class time: 10 AM- 5 PM (lunch break included)